Innord Inc. is a wholly owned private subsidiary of Geomega. Innord is the innovation arm where all R&D activities are conducted. It’s operations are predominately conducted in its research laboratories in Boucherville, QC. The R&D team conducts bench scale, piloting testwork and engineering as it develops the various technologies and scales them up towards commercial applications. Innord’s team is composed of various researchers and engineers from a variety disciplines and the team is led by Dr. Pouya Hajiani, the Chief Technology Officer of Geomega and Innord.
Innord is focused on developing alternative technologies for extraction, separation, and purification of rare earth elements (REE) and other critical and strategic metals from primary and secondary feeds in an efficient and environmentally viable way compared to the conventional techniques that are currently used in China and elsewhere. If successful, Innord’s technology could bring new industries to Quebec and Canada and change how mining for critical materials is done worldwide.